VeganMoFo comes to an end

whew! Thanks for indulging all this vegan food talk this month! Blogging every weekday (and about food at that) proved to be the challenge it was intended to be, but I'm glad we participated. It was really interesting to see the spectrum of vegan food blogs out there and I am in awe of people's imagination and cooking and photography skills. I've definitely gotten inspiration for how to broaden my horizons in the kitchen. As to how it relates to behind the scenes at LO, well food is the fuel! Here's a last food picture of these cool rainbow carrots we came across yesterday. The red ones were the color of blood oranges. So awesome we just had to buy them! They will be made into something good no doubt.

Ok, look forward to a Q&A with Dan Black next week! Happy Halloween!

from the best halloween house we've seen yet
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